H-1 virusATCC® Number:VR-356™
Agent: H-1 virus
Strain: Toolan
Original Source: Human embryo lung (4 months operative abortion) from mother with metastatic breast cancer, who had an HAI and neutralizing titer of 1:640 to H-1 virus
Depositors: HW Toolan
Biosafety Level:2
Shipped: frozen
Permits/Forms: In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimately responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.
Host Organism : neonatal hamster; Chang Liver cells (ATCCCCL-13) hamster; human; rhesus monkey; rat
Incubation : Temperature: 37.0°C Duration: 5 days
Effect : Yes, in vitro effects: Cytopathic effects (cell death) in tissue culture Yes, in vivo effects: death or deformity of newborn hamster depending on virus concentration
Comments : Plaque purified on Salk MkHe. Hemagglutinates a variety of RBC, particularly guinea pig, hamster and human, and also has a CF antigen. Produces deformity or death in newborn hamsters and neutralizing antibodies in humans, monkeys, hamsters and rats. Plaque purified on Salk MkHe. Hemagglutinates a variety of RBC, particularly guinea pig, hamster and human, and also has a CF antigen. Produces deformity or death in newborn hamsters and neutralizing antibodies in humans, monkeys, hamsters and rats.
References : 33520: . . Proc. Am. Assoc. Cancer Res. 5: 64, 1964. 33521: . . Nature 208: 812, 1965.